Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Impact of Failure

Failure~A simple word in the English language, but one which somehow manages to drain you, both psychologically and emotionally, and makes all your work and preparation seem utterly worthless. Once the cold dark hands of failure reach in and grab your soul it leaves you exhausted and spent, and it is this sense of depression which has afflicted me today. It’s the sense of “why do we even bother trying when we fail so badly anyways” that seems to be running through my head readers, and it’s this sense of unanswered prayers that makes the failure so much worse. It’s curious though, if no preparation had been done, if no time had been spent working, thinking, and preparing, failure wouldn’t have seemed so devastating, what makes it really bad is the idea of all this time and effort going to waste, it’s really the sense of loss which makes failure so devastating to us. So why do we put so much and effort into preparing and trying if it only makes the failure that much worse? Maybe it's because in our hearts we hold the faint hope that we wont fail, that maybe, somehow, despite how grim things seem and how impossible our victory may be, we'll somehow win, by some stroke of luck we'll come out on top and all our effort wont have been wasted. So, lets continue living life under false hope, lets continue striving for that unreachable stroke of luck only to fall down harder each time, and lets continue to try and try only to experience failure at the end, after all what would life be without experiencing failure at each and every turn? A fair and just life is unreachable goal, we're destined to fail no matter how hard we try, and it is with these final parting words that ends this blogger's saga of depression and failure, good luck to you all in your adventures, maybe you'll manage to escape failure and taste sweet sweet glory, and that my bloggers, is my wish for you~~

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