Inspiration often manifests itself as a unique connection between a person and a spark of genius, the bond that draws the individual to the pinnacle of self-actualization and innovation. However, in our lives today, inspiration is omnipresent, a constant source of motivation for us to strive for self-improvement, supplying us new and ever-creative ideas, and even providing us with the very building blocks of our social interactions. It is this omnipresence that accounts for our desensitization to its magnificent effects, and leaves us barely conscious of the incredible phenomenon that draws our minds to a new, unexplored, uncharted realm of creation. Nevertheless, this sense of wonder at our own accomplishments must never be lost; regardless of how simple this sense may be, because our generation has the ability, now more than ever before, to live without seeking any inspiration at all. We now have the ability to live a life devoid of intellectual stimulation, for our psychological survival is assured in our modern world, a world where one need not seek inspiration or creativity, but can live a pleasurable and secure life, content with traveling the well beaten path and never straying into the woods of mystery and wonder. Unchecked, this will doom our future to a bland existence devoid of creativity; a robotic population incapable of grasping the beauty and wonder of inspiration and instead partakes in a stagnancy that unravels the very fabric of human civilization, society, and culture.
Conversely, melancholy appears to us as the looming shadow of failure, weakening our resolve, driving us towards a need for isolation, and severing the bond between an individual and his goals. This melancholy, this deep-rooted sadness is what drives us to seclusion, feeding on the memories of loneliness from our souls as we further isolate ourselves from society. It is this shadow above our heads, this weight on our hearts that is the true danger to the progress of society, a population without a spark of ingenuity, their inspiration crushed by the emotions contained within them, leaving them lonely, isolated, and utterly alone.