Friday, February 18, 2011

Greetings for the first time

Hello, and welcome readers, to what I hope will be the first of many posts yet to come. After much influence from my friends, I have decided to jump on the blogging bandwagon, if for no other reason than to express the various thoughts which flitter around my mind. These days we often see peer pressure expressed as a negative force, a force compelling the minds of youth to follow dark paths, destined to corrupt the innocent and tempt the strong. I argue against this negative view of peer pressure, I sincerely believe that peer pressure can be utilized to empower the weak and embolden the timid. Rather than blaming the entity that is peer pressure, we must accuse those imposing such pressure on the youth of today for the negative view on the force of peer pressure. It is the social circles one mingles with which determines the path which one shall travel, while both groups exert pressure on the individual, this pressure can indeed work to improve the individual as a whole. While it is true that many individuals have been tempted into the life of drugs by peer pressure, the same is true for the opposite, with many students working harder, accepting greater challenges, and putting more effort into their daily affairs as a result of the influence of their friends. Overall my belief is that although the force of peer pressure has much negativity surrounding it these days, peer pressure, or as the expression goes, 'jumping on the bandwagon' can be employed as a force for good, changing our lives for the better, simply by manipulating the people imposing the pressure.

Hopefully you enjoyed my very first blog post, and it is my wish that it was both thought provoking, and allowed you to consider some of the positive aspects of peer pressure. With any luck, I've helped to convince you that 'jumping on the bandwagon' isn't always a bad idea, and can often lead to unexpected improvements and outcomes. Thus by writing this blog, and giving into peer pressure by effectively 'jumping on the bandwagon,' I do hope that I provide entertaining and thoughtful posts for you, my readers, to escape from the hectic state of reality, into a cozy little corner of your mind to examine and ponder the ideas which enter mine.